About CubeX Trusses

All our engineered roof trusses and prefabricated wall panels are designed to meet engineering and structural standards and built to your exact specifications.

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Our Mission

At CubeX, we understand that time is money in the construction industry, which is why we're excited to introduce our new online ordering platform for roof trusses. With over 20 years of combined experience in designing and manufacturing high-quality trusses, our team is committed to providing our customers with a convenient and streamlined ordering process that saves them valuable time and resources. Whether you're a seasoned contractor or a DIY homeowner, we're dedicated to delivering reliable and cost-effective truss solutions that meet your unique needs.

  • Earth Day

    We know that buildings have a profound impact on the environment and on people's health. As a Roof Truss Builder, we feel a daily responsibility to build and operate as responsibly as possible.

  • Safety First

    We are uncompromising in our commitment to the health and safety of our employees, clients, and the larger community. Safety is built into our operations, practices, and materials choices and designs.

  • Lifetime Clients

    We don’t just build great homes, we build trust. CubeX believes that when we deliver the highest-quality homes and the most helpful service, we create relationships that last a lifetime.

  • Lifetime Quality

    CubeX's design and building practices and processes are honed to deliver the highest quality results for our customers: a beautifully-designed, sustainably-built, durable home.

  • Less is More

    A home built in less time, for less money, with less harmful stuff, and less environmental impact is, indeed, more.

  • Golden Rule

    It’s a simple, but powerful concept: we treat our clients, suppliers, partners, and each other the way we want to be treated—with empathy, respect, and integrity.

Reconstructing Old Processes

Home building hasn’t changed much in the past 2,000 years. It's typically a long and expensive process, there’s a lot of waste, and many builders use materials that aren't great for people or the planet. The idea for CubeX Prefab was born out of our own experiences with this antiquated process, and we designed CubeX specifically to solve the challenges that we (and so many others) encountered with the construction of custom, high-quality, architectural homes.

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